My Mini Journey So Far, in a Nutshell

 This year has been one hell of a roller coaster ride for me and setting all aside the bad things that has happened this year, I’m yet grateful for all the things I’ve come to learn during the first quarter of school. Looking back from the past school years, this school year had been the most unique out of all of them. Even though it’s been just the first quarter of the school year, I was able to learn a lot of things.

 The first out of all the ‘things’ were of course, the knowledge I gained from all the subjects and how I discovered more about myself that I have not known in the past. The two most biggest problems I have faced since way back then was procrastination and laziness. A huge discovery that I found about myself was that I’m able to be more productive than the past Zaira and that I am a “I don’t like cramming stuff” type of person. I’m happy to know that little by little I’m slowly getting over procrastination and laziness and getting to know myself a bit more. I always felt so miserable when I procrastinated at certain times and when I’m in the state of laziness. 

While the days go by, I will continue to fight and jump through the hurdles I will run into in the future. I will work hard to learn and make my dreams come true. This may sound weird, but I want to be able to say that I have overcome procrastination and laziness too. Before I end typing this, this is my reflection paper. Signing off with a cup of tea.

Image from: Pinterest 


  1. Laziness and procrastination is a natural enemy of students. I'm happy that you're getting over it. I'll give you kudos for that


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