COVID - 19 Vaccine Safety: Hit or Miss?

It has been a year since the pandemic erupted and COVID - 19 vaccines have finally made their way throughout different countries all over the world. With the arrival of the vaccines, we cannot hide the feeling of doubt and uncertainty. Questions whether the vaccines are safe or not are always on the masses’ minds and this we cannot deny. 

To start off, the COVID - 19 vaccines of course serve to fight off the virus. Vaccination had already been on the roll for quite some time now. People who already received vaccination would yet again have to be vaccinated a second time to ensure the effectiveness of the vaccine. It is yet unknown how long can the vaccines last on a person who has already taken the vaccine. People above the age of 18 can be safely vaccinated even those with health conditions, including auto-immune disorders such as : hypertension, asthma, diabetes, pulmonary, liver and kidney disease, and lastly, chronic infections that both are stable and controlled.

Upon receiving the vaccine, side effects are unfortunately present as well.  In some cases, many who were vaccinated  suffered effects of the dose. Effects caused by the vaccines are a sore arm, swelling and redness of the arm, fever, headache, tiredness, chills, nausea , and fatigue. But worry not, because experiencing these effects only mean that the vaccine is working in your body. These effects will go away in a few days. To prevent any pain and discomfort from the effects, it is best to consult a doctor about taking over the counter medicine after getting vaccinated. But once the second dose takes place, the effects would appear more prominent than the first one. Effects would also go away in a few days but if it does not, better contact a doctor as quick as possible. As safe as getting vaccinated may sound, its price to pay is experiencing a short while of pain and discomfort.

 The vaccines are safe but consider what it comes with. It is better to be vaccinated than never. 

Image from: Google 

